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来源:整理 时间:2023-05-02 08:04:29 编辑:去留学呀 手机版



but,first,summer,go,foot, is,me,in,comes,for.






Grade 1 in junior
Grade 7 国外的七年级就是初一
日期的初一:kalends 初中一年级的初一:junior middle school first grade
Grade 7
Grade one in junior



Grade Seven。初中,是中学阶段的初级阶段,从小学过渡到中学的时期,也就是七年级(九年制义务教育,所以叫七年级,五四学制区为六年级)。初级中学一般是指九年义务教育的中学是向高级中学过渡的一个阶段。初一学习方法1、做好预习:单元预习时粗读,了解近阶段的学习内容,课时预习时细读,注重知识的形成过程,对难以理解的概念、公式和法则等要做好记录,以便带着问题听课。坚持预习,找到疑点,变被动学习为主动学习,能大大提高学习效率,兴趣是最好的老师。2、认真听课:听课应包括听、思、记三个方面。听:听知识形成的来龙去脉,听重点和难点,听例题的解法和要求,听蕴含的数学思想和方法,听课堂小结。思:一是要善于联想、类比和归纳,二是要敢于质疑,提出问题,大胆猜想。记:记方法、记技巧、记疑点、记要求、记注意点,记住课后一定要整理笔记。


1. Listenning! How he speaks fluent English is!2. In the final photo, I played with my puppy3. My mom is cleaning the floor, he is usually cleaning the floor in the evening
1. Listenning! How he speaks fluent English is!2. In the final photo, I played with my puppy3. My mom is cleaning the floor, he is usually cleaning the floor in the evening
1. tin! He speaks a how fluent English! 2. in the last picture, I is playing with mine puppy 3. my mother to clean the floor, he usually cleans floor in the evening


1. Class seriously listen to the teacher, homework on time 2. To keep the classroom clean 3. On the teacher politely 4. And students friendly to each other
1.Listen to the teacher carefully,hand in your homework on time. 2.Keep the classroom clean. 3.Be polite to teachers. 4.Get along well with classmates.
1.Having classes seriously,handing homework in times。 2.Keep the class neat。 3.Treating teachers courteous。 4.Geting on well with students。
1 listen to the teacher carefully in class,hand in the homework on time 2 keep the classroom clean 3 be polite to the teacher 4 get along well with the classmates


On Christmas Eve, people prepare for Christmas dinner There are potatoes, dumplings and so on on the table can you hang it on the Christmas tree? At the end of the semester, students get together for a big dinner. On Christmas Eve, people decorated the tree with lights and balls
1.On Christmas eve, people make preparation for Christmas big meal. 2.There are potatoes and dumplings on the tables. 3.Can you hang it up the Christmas tree? 4.At the end of term, the students gathered to enjoy a delicious supper. 5.On Chiristmas eve,people make up the Christmas trees with colorful lights and small balls.
1. At Christmas Eve, people prepare to do for Christmas dinner. 2. Table have potatoes, rice balls and so on. 3. You can put it in a Christmas tree on it? 4. At the end of study, students come together to eat dinner. 5. The people at Christmas Eve with lanterns to decorate the Christmas tree ball.
1. in Christmas Eve, the people prepare for the Christmas western-style food. on the 2. tables has the potato, sweet dumplings and so on. 3. you may close it on the Christmas tree? 4. in the semester end, schoolmates gathers in the same place has the sumptuous supper. 5. people in the safe night use colored lantern, the pellet decorate the Christmas tree.


Daniel is 24 years old and he works in a factory .He is very hardworking,and be the first to come and last to leave.And he is very helpful and everybody likes him.He is brave ,last week,he helped the police to catch a robber.He is glad to help others
1.Daniel is 24 years old now, and he wroks in a factory.2,He works hard and always comes to the factoy early and goes back late.3.He is so helpful that everyone likes him.4.He is so brave that he helped the police catch a robber last week.5.He is glad to help others.
1.Daniel is 24 years old and he works in a factory 2.He is very hardworking,and be the first to come and last to leave. 3.he is very helpful and everybody likes him. 4.He is brave ,last week,he helped the police to catch a robber. 5.He is glad to help others
Daniel is 24 years old and he works in a factory.(1) He is very hardworking,and be the first to come and last to leave.(2) He is very helpful and everybody likes him.(3) He is brave ,last week,he helped the police to catch a robber.(4) He is glad to help others.(5)
1.Daniel is 24 years old now, and he wroks in a factory. 2,He works hard and always comes to the factoy early and goes back late. 3.He is so helpful that everyone likes him. 4.He is so brave that he helped the police catch a robber last week. 5.He is glad to help others.
1.Daniel is 24 years old, and he wroks in a a factory. 2,He works hard and always comes to the factoy eayly and goes back late. 3.He is glad to help others and everybody likes him. 4.He is brave。 he helped police catch a robber last week. 5.He is glad to help others.
1. Daniel, now 24 years working in a factory, 2 he work hard-working, always early to factories, late, 3 he helpful, everyone liked him, 4 he is very brave, last week, he helped the police caught a robber, 5. He is very happy to help others


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