首页 > 海外名校 > 问答 > 我的家英语,我的家英语怎样说


来源:整理 时间:2023-05-11 12:29:42 编辑:去留学呀 手机版


My home
My family
my home
my home
my home我的家。



my home
my family\home(强调家)\house(强调房子)
如果你想说的是你家的房子可以用 my home或者my house。 如果你指的是你的家人可以用 my family
My home



my name is zheng yun, 11-year-old this year. my father is called zheng wei min , he is one famous reporter. my mother is called liu ke yan , she is one clerk. my grandma 60-year-old this year but she seems very young. my grandfather is able to cook a dish very much , i like to eat the meal that he cooks very much.


4,我的家 用英语 简单 小学

My home is very big and beautiful,l like it very much.because it make me feel very happy.There are five people in my family. There are my father ,my mother ,my sister, my brother and I.we have great fun living in my home. I like my home very much!
my family my home
My home/My house/My family
my family
My hone
my home 还是 my family???


My family is a lovely and sweet one. My parents love me so much and they care each other lovely. Maybe, there is just so few event for me to say, but i believe that great comes from the common. So, in my family, there will be trenmendous lovely affair. I feel so happy My family is a lovely and sweet one. My parents love me so much and they care each other lovely. Maybe, there is just so few event for me to say, but i believe that great comes from the common. So, in my family, there will be trenmendous lovely affair. I feel so happy My house is so sweet. The big door show its generosity. Entering the gate, there is a serious carpet. The sofa lay down in the centre of meeting hall, beside there is a teadesk. Under the teadesk,there is teapot and cups. In front of the sofa, there is TV table, and the TV set is on the table.


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