首页 > 海外名校 > 问答 > 英国阿贝学院校服,英国阿贝学院更改校服设计


来源:本站 时间:2023-05-14 00:38:24 编辑:出国留学 手机版


Abingdon School, an independent school in the United Kingdom, has recently announced changes to their school uniform design. This news has garnered attention from both students and the media alike. In this article, we will delve into the details of the new uniform and the reasons behind its design.


The old school uniform

The old Abingdon School uniform consisted of a dark blazer, striped tie, white shirt, grey trousers, and black shoes. The school crest was prominently displayed on the blazer pocket. Many students felt that the uniform was dated and did not reflect the modern approach of the school.

The new school uniform

The new Abingdon School uniform has been designed to align with the school's ethos of "traditional values, forward-thinking approach". The uniform consists of a navy blazer with red trim, a striped tie in the school's colours of navy, red, and gold, a white shirt, grey trousers, and black shoes. The school crest has been updated to a more modern design and is embroidered onto the blazer. Additionally, the school has introduced a new sports kit which includes a navy and red tracksuit.

Reasons for the change

The change in school uniform was initiated by the student council who felt that the old uniform did not represent the progressive nature of the school. The school's headmaster, Michael Windsor, supported the idea and worked with the council to design a uniform that would align with the school's values. The new uniform was also designed with practicality in mind; the navy blazer is less prone to showing dirt and its red trim adds visibility for safety during outdoor activities.

Student reactions

The new uniform has received mixed reviews from students. Some feel that the uniform now reflects the values of the school and that the updated crest gives the uniform a modern feel. Others feel that the change was unnecessary and that the old uniform was a tradition that should have been upheld. Despite this, the majority of students have embraced the change and are excited to sport the new uniform.

In conclusion, the new Abingdon School uniform has been designed with a modern approach in mind. It reflects the school's values and practicality while also taking into account student opinion. Although it has received mixed reviews from students, it is a step towards a more contemporary school uniform design.



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