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来源:整理 时间:2023-08-17 21:26:15 编辑:去留学呀 手机版


stack a snowman
make snowmen



打雪战have snowball fights 堆雪人make a snowmen 没错哦 ^_^


3,堆雪人不是 made snowmen 吗 为什么答案用snowman 不是做

make a snowmanmake snowmen您的支持就是我继续前行及帮助别人的动力 愿您与我共同携手传播『 爱心 』之种望采纳↖(^ω^)↗
不明白啊 = =!

堆雪人不是 made snowmen 吗 为什么答案用snowman 不是做


你好, 正确答案是: The children are [having] [fun] [making] a snowman in the snow. 祝:学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


堆雪人 make a snowman We relaxed and prepared to go back to work or study.
we prepare to go back study and relaxed to work.
make snowman 堆雪人 we relaxed and prepared to go back to work or study .
堆雪人是make snowman


today snows, i go to the drifting snow person, i first roll a threesizes not snowball, biggest putting on under, small putting on above,smallest putting in most above, then inserts the carrot on the face,makes the nose, makes the eye and the mouth with the gravel, with thebranch executor, completed. is above under, helps me to translate! !
First roll a threesizes not snowball,biggest putting on under,small putting on above,smallest putting in most above,then inserts the carrot on the face,makes the nose,makes the eye and the mouth with the gravel,with thebranch executor,completed.Is above under,helps me to translate!!


Two days ago, a heavy snow came. And now, the snow stopped and its time for fun. This morning, I go to outside door and make snowman with my friends. We prepare some tools and then we start. We did it many times before, so its easy. We pull snow together and shape it. Last, we make a face for it, eyes, nose, ears and mouth. Its very funny and we are happy.
First piled up the snow 先把雪堆积起来 Then rolled the snow into two balls 然后把雪卷成两个球 Overlap the two goals 把两个球重叠在一起 The final decoration snowman 最后装饰雪人 若有错请见谅,已经很简便了,给个采纳吧。谢谢
Today, It is snowy. we make a snowman outside the house. We are happy.  First. We make a big baII of snow. Then we make another snowbaII. This one is smaIIer than the first. We put this snowbaII on that snowbaII. We make another smaII snowbaII, we put it on top. We make a face on the snowman. The carrot is his nose some LittIe rocks for his mouth and eyes. We have two sticks for his arms.  Snowman is wonderfuI! I Like snowman.


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