首页 > 留学考试  > 经验 > 申请大学的个人陈述英文,本科申请香港科技大学个人陈述用中文还是英文写


来源:整理 时间:2023-04-16 06:04:16 编辑:留学签证 手机版



我们是全英文学校呀= =课本全是英文上课全讲英文教授都说作业全写英文论文完全英文 个人陈述小毛毛呀 快去英文写呀~



你这文章还可以,我翻完之后你要给我加分哦~~ 翻这种东西很辛苦的,而且文章还这么长four years in technical secondary school is a turning point in my life. in 2004 i was enrolled in xxx school with excellent grades,where i constantly challenge and enrich myself for four years ,lying a fundation for my career.the last few monthes in the school i engaged in social practice. the first job i got is Operator .during my work i have a further understanding about interpersonal relation,which did not make me content. on the contary, i feel not enough about my knowledges and have a desire to improve it. previously i am not a harkworking person,but now i want to go back to school and change myself throughly . although i am not aware of the importance of study, but i am very responsible.what i mean is i will do what my teacher instructs. i deem responsiblity is a virtue of people and have connection with honesty-responsible for what i have said and others. after having a learning about xxx institute , i firmly believe this institute will make me a elite with comprenhensive ability,enabling me to make contributions after going back my country,while in the institue i will enrich my capability and try to be calm.兄弟要出国留学呀,祝你好运啦~~
个人陈述范例(英文版)Personal Statement I am the applicant Wang Ming. From September 2002 to July 2006, I studied the specialty of Financial Management at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Through undergraduate studies, I contacted such disciplines as accounting, international finance, securities investment and so on; however, keenly conscious that my current acquisition is far from enough for me to meet the needs of the fast developing economy, I am eager to pursue further studies. Through various channels, I know about your world-renowned program, and I am now applying for MA Finance and Investment offered by University of Nottingham. At university, I gained a full understanding of accounting and finance. In specialized studies, I obtained excellent academic records. Paying attention to the balancing development of financial and managerial disciplines, I attended those selective courses including Fiscal Science, Human Resource Management, Monetary Banking, Insurance and the like, knowing about the application of accounting in various aspects. In this way, when I do relevant topics, in face of real voucher, bill and account book, I have experienced the whole process of keeping accounts and working out financial statement and deepened my understanding of the importance of accounting in enterprises. In the process of studies, I preferred such teaching mode as case class, group discussion, PPT representation and the like, and I always took active part in them, acting as group leader and leading the members to select topic, collect materials and make topic report. We once analyzed the successful development of Nokia in China, the mobile telephone magnate. While Motorola and Samsung had laid a solid foundation in China, how did Nokia establish fine financial system to support its development? Based on the uniform framework of global financial management, Nokia took Chinese characteristics into full consideration in the aspects of account procedures and coordination of headquarters and branches, and only in three years, its headquarters gained the right and opportunity to control its branches, promoting the smooth connection of local places and the globe and seeking expansion. Through such case analysis, I obtained further understanding of the vital position of financial analysis and accounting systems in enterprises. The choice of investment and the opportunities to operate fund can always change inutility into wonder. In Baring Bank bankruptcy discussion in class, I developed an unquenchable interest in financial derivatives. The power of double-edged sword became extremely mighty in market full of competitions. Through this case, I realized the great importance of balance sheet and its check, and if there were strict auditing system and clear pision of rights and responsibilities, the result may probably be totally different. In this sense, the function of accounting could not be ignored. After knowing about accounting and financial knowledge, I stressed more on the absorption of knowledge in various aspects, starting to dabble in a variety of aspects, studying the English original books of accounting and comparing the differences of accounting standards in a wealth of countries. When foreign enterprises enter China, how shall we interpret the financial reports of them so as to compare the accounting modes and make the correct decision? After analyzing Daimler-Benz AG, I found out that on account of the differences of accounting statement, a loss-making enterprise could represent profit in another accounting mode, and I was again startled by the function and position of accounting in economy. My eagerness to make certain achievements in the field increased day by day. Despite of academic studies, I was also keen on participation in association activities, joining in Debate Association, English Club and other associations of the university and winning the Third Place in Debate Competition of the college. I am also fond of drawing and calligraphy, devoting a majority of spare time to them. My drawing works won awards in competitions of the university many times. Along with deepening my academic studies, I find that the function of accounting far exceeds commercial field. How to carry out inpidual financing so as to maximize your assets? How to judge the profit-making condition and financial risks of a company from its financial statement in securities market so as to optimize your investment? How the feasibility of an item is reflected in accounting language? Can it bring you prospective profit as you expect? With strong desire for knowledge and curiosity, I firm my determination to study a postgraduate program. Yours, boasting academic strength in accounting and financial fields, rich teaching resources and excellent curriculum setting, is my ideal destination to pursue further studies, and the practicability of courses and authenticity of cases will enable me to apply my future acquisition to work. In this manner, I will lay a solid academic foundation and cultivate strong practical capability for future engagement in economic field in China. With all sincerity, I hope you can take my application into serious consideration, and I shall appreciate you if you grant me an opportunity for further studies.




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