首页 > 留学考试  > 问答 > 国外法学专业比较好的大学,学法律专业美国哪所大学最好


来源:整理 时间:2023-03-23 18:17:24 编辑:留学签证 手机版



无疑是Yale University,美国的不少政要和政界名人,出自于该校的法律专业。美国大学法律专业排名前十名是:1、Yale University 2、Stanford University3、Harvard University4、Columbia University4、 New York University(并列)6、University of Chicago 7、University of Pennsylvania 8、University of California–Berkeley 8、University of Michigan–Ann Arbor(并列)8、University of Virginia(并列)



世界法学院排名 1 美国耶鲁大学 2 美国哈佛大学 3 英国牛津大学 4 德国慕尼黑大学 5 英国剑桥大学 6 法国巴黎政治学院 7 意大利波伦亚大学 8 美国斯坦福大学 9 (纽约)哥伦比亚大学 10 德国海德堡大学 还有2005美国法学院排名 1.Yale University(康涅狄格州)耶鲁大学 2.Harvard University(马萨诸塞州)哈佛大学 3.Stanford University(加利福尼亚州)斯坦福大学 4.Columbia University(纽约州)哥伦比亚大学 5.New York University纽约大学 6.University of Chicago芝加哥大学 7.University of Michigan-AnnArbor密歇根大学 8.University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学 9.University of Virginia弗吉尼亚大学 10.Duke University(北卡罗来纳州)杜克大学



《金融时报》发布的 全球MBA十强:   1.宾夕法尼亚大学沃顿商学院   2.伦敦商学院   3.哈佛商学院   4.哥伦比亚大学商学院   5.欧洲工商管理学院(INSEAD)   6.斯坦福商学院   7.西班牙企业学院(IEBS)   8.中欧国际工商学院   9.麻省理工斯隆管理学院   10.纽约大学斯特恩商学院 法学院排名:1.哈佛大学(美) Harvard University 2.加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(美) California University Berkeley 3.麻省理工学院(美) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4.加利福尼亚理工大学(美) California Institute of Technology 5.牛津大学(英) Oxford University 6.剑桥大学(英) Cambridge University 7.斯坦福大学(美) Stanford University 8.耶鲁大学(美) Yale University 9.普林斯顿大学(美) Princeton University 10.苏黎世理工学院(瑞典) ETH Zurich



耶鲁剑桥哥廷根康乃尔---------Law School Country SpecializationsYale US GeneralNorthwestern US LLM/Kellog; International Human Rights LawStanford US Corporate Governance & PracticeLaw, Science & TechnologyCornell US GeneralNYU US Trade Regulation; Labor and Employment Law;International Legal Studies; Corporation Law;Taxation; International TaxationNYU@NUS: Law and the Global Economy Harvard US Human Rights; Taxation; Corporate Law and Governance; International FinanceDuke US GeneralMichigan US General; Comparative Law; International TaxBoston U US American Law; Taxation; Intellectual Property; Banking and Financial LawChicago US General; Comparative LawNUS SG NYU@NUS: Law and the Global EconomyAsian Legal Studies; Maritime Law;Corporate & Financial Services Law;Intellectual Property & Technology Law;International Business Law; GeneralVanderbilt US Course Track; Thesis TrackHKU HK General; Chinese Law; Human Rights Law; Corporate and Financial Law; IT and IP Law;Arbitration and Dispute Resolution LawLSE UK Banking Law and Financial Regulation;Corporate and Securities LawCorporate and Commercial LawHuman Rights Law; European Union LawInternational Business LawCriminology and Criminal Justice; Labour LawIT and Communication Law; IP LawPublic International Law; Legal TheoryPublic Law; TaxationToronto CA Thesis-intensive Format; Coursework-intensive FormatColumbia US GeneralWULS US IP; Taxation; Juridical Studies, LLM for International StudentsUCLA US Entertainment and Media Law;International & Comparative Law; Bankruptcy; Business Law; Securities Regulation; TaxUSC US General; Comparative LawOxfordUKBCL; MJur; Criminology and Criminal JusticeCambridgeUKGeneralUCLUK28 streams (refer to its website)KCLUKLaw in Society; Commerce and FinanceEuropean and International LawLeidenNLRechtsgeleerheid; European Law; Public International Law; Air and Space LawEuropean Business Law; International Tax LawInternational Criminal Law; Peace; Justice and DevelopmentSydneyAU13 streams (refer to its website)GeorgetownUSTaxation; International Students;Securities & Financial Regulation;Individual Study; Global Health LawMSL for JournalistsGeorge WashingtonUSGeneral; Environmental Law; Government Procurement Law; IP Law;International & Comparative Law; Litigation and Dispute RegulationUpennUSCorporate Law; Trade Law; Criminal Law;International Law; Securities and Banking Law;Constitutional Law; IP & the InternetVirginiaUS GeneralBoalt HallUSCourse Work; Thesis TrackManchesterUKGeneral; Criminology and Socio-Legal StudiesHealth Care Ethics and Law/ BioethicsFordhamUSBanking, Corporate & Finance LawIP & IT Law; International Business & Trade LawSouthamptonUKGeneral; European Law; Maritime LawInternational Business Law; IT and CommerceCommercial and Corporate Law; International Law
1 美国耶鲁大学 2 美国哈佛大学 3 英国牛津大学 4 德国慕尼黑大学 5 英国剑桥大学 6 法国巴黎政治学院 7 意大利波伦亚大学 8 美国斯坦福大学 9 纽约哥伦比亚大学 10 德国海德堡大学


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