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来源:整理 时间:2023-01-15 02:58:43 编辑:留学签证 手机版






新护照的号码,而且在ds 160上要填写曾经持有的护照号码。以及你之前的签证号码等信息。并且在你的新护照上是有你老护照的号码的。






F1签证需要补充材料,是被CHECK 了。你一定要按要求准备好材料补充上去,才有通过的可能,如果材料有问题,拒签的可能性很大。我们有补充好材料后通过的案例,但是CHECK的等待时间比较长。
ⅰ.questions regarding study and academic background 1. what will you do in the us? whats your purpose of going to the us? why do you want to go to the us? 2. which school (university) will you study in? what will be your major? what degree are you going to pursue? 3. how many universities have you applied? did you apply any universities in china? how many schools accepted you? how many schools gave you admissions? 4. why do you choose xxx university? why this major? 5. how did you get to know xxx university? how much do you learn about xxx university? 6. could you introduce your major briefly? what is the main application of your major? could you give me an example? 7. what specific aspects will you study in your major?what are the main subjects of your major? 8. which subject do you think is the most difficult one? 9. whats your study plan in the us? 10. do you have information about your future advisor? (e.g. personal webpage or cv) 11. is your major related with any military applications? 12. whats your toefl or gre score? 13. whats your duty as a ta or ra? 14. where did you get your bachelor or master degree? which university did you graduate from? what did you major in? 15. do you have your degree certificate? do you have your college transcript? 16. where are you working (studying) now? what do you do with your current job? 17. can you describe your academic background briefly? what have you mostly done in your research? 18. whats the difference (connection) between your current major and the major you will take in the us? 19. why do you want to change your major? 20. how long will you stay in the united states? ⅱ.questions regarding immigrant intent 1. why do you want to continue your study in the us rather than in other countries? 2. why do you want to study in the us at this time? 3. many universities in china provide the equal opportunity for study in your major. why did you only apply the us universities? 4. your current job and life is wonderful. why do you still want to study in the us? 5. whats your career plan in the future (after graduation)? where do you plan to find a job? what kind of job do you want to do? why? 6. are you sure you will come back to china after finishing your study? please give me three reasons. 7. if you come back, what are your short-term and long-term goals in your career? 8. how will you accomplish your career goals? 9. will the study in the us further serve your career in china a lot? in what specific aspects? 10. can you guarantee that you are able to find a good job in china after graduation? is there any company or institution that is willing to accept you? which company (institution)? do you have any recommendation letters from them? 11. as we know, 90% of chinese students who went to the us previously did not come back. how would you explain it? 12. since your major is quite popular in the us, you are supposed to be able to find a good job there pretty easily. why wont you try to stay in the united states? 13. if you stay in the us, your income will be multiple times for the same job in china. how would you prove you will definitely come back? 14. have you been to the united states before? do you have any experience overseas? why did you go there? when did you go there? how long did you stay there? 15. do you have relatives in the united states? what relationship are they with you? what do they do in the us? 16. do you have any siblings (brothers and sisters) in china? what do they do? 17. what do your parents do? 18. are you married? what does your husband (wife) do? do you have children? 19. why doesnt your husband (wife) apply the visa with you together? ⅲ.questions regarding financial affidavit 1. did you get scholarship from the university? 2. how will you support your study and living in the united states? 3. you did not get the full scholarship from the university. how would you pay the rest of the expenses? 4. who will support you to finish the study in the us? 5. whats your current income? 6. whats your parentsincome? 7. do you have saving bank account? 8. why did your deposit increase so much recently? ⅳ. questions rarely asked but better be prepared 1. how long did you prepare for todays interview? 2. did you participate in any visa-interview training program? 3. when are you going to enter the united states? 4. as to your major, do you know which school is the most famous one? 5. what do you like and dislike the united states most? what do you like and dislike china most? 6. what do you think is your biggest advantage? what do you think is your biggest disadvantage? 7. how old are you? where is your hometown?


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