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来源:本站 时间:2023-05-13 15:15:04 编辑:出国留学 手机版

1. Introduction

When it comes to the pronunciation of Australia, there are two main ways people say it in English: "Oz-tray-lee-ya" and "Oz-tray-yah". However, the latter pronunciation is more common among Australians themselves. Moreover, the way Australians speak English varies from region to region, just like any other country with different dialects.

1. Introduction

2. Australian English Pronunciation

Australian English has its own accent, which can be recognized by the accent of certain words. Some common examples include the use of "oi" instead of "oy" (e.g. "hoi" instead of "hoy"), a shorter pronunciation of certain syllables such as “a” and “u”, and some specific intonation patterns. Additionally, Australians have a tendency to speak quickly and slur words together, which can make it difficult for non-native speakers to understand.

3. Regional Dialects

While Australian English is the national language of Australia, the country has different regional dialects. For example, people in Melbourne and southern Australia tend to speak with a flatter tone than in other regions, while people in the north of the country tend to use more of an upward inflection. Furthermore, people in rural areas may speak with a stronger accent and use more colloquial vocabulary than those living in urban areas.

4. Common Phrases in Australian English

Australian English has its own unique slang and idioms that you may not hear in other English-speaking countries. Some common examples include "mate" (which can be used to address a friend or acquaintance), "fair dinkum" (meaning "true" or "genuine"), and "arvo" (short for "afternoon"). Additionally, Australians often shorten words, such as using "brekky" instead of "breakfast" and "uni" instead of "university".


Australian English is a unique and diverse dialect of the English language. While it may be challenging for non-native speakers to understand at first, with practice, anyone can learn to communicate effectively with Australians. Whether it's learning the regional dialects or getting the hang of Australian slang, taking the time to understand Australian English can open doors to new experiences and opportunities.


